TV Commercials For RE Agents.

Introduce yourself in a TV commercial—past clients will refer you—local buyers and sellers will choose you

60 Day Waitlist in select areas

Big screen, big results.

Stephen Henry partnered with Patti Gage, a local REALTOR® in Portland, to produce a 15-second YouTube TV commercial that reached nearly half a million viewers in the metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs. The campaign left a lasting impact on the city’s real estate market, establishing her as a recognizable and trusted presence within the community.

About our company.

StephenHenryTV was founded during the COVID-19 pandemic to address the decline of traditional advertising as empty streets and public spaces rendered billboards and bus ads obsolete. Through the strategic use of streaming TV’s expansive reach, the company has helped real estate agents across North America remain visible and connected with their communities. To date, its campaigns have delivered over 10 million commercial views to local audiences, with viewership continuing to climb each year, redefining local advertising in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

TV will 3X your referrals.

Used by Ryan Serhant in Manhattan and a full-time REALTOR®-mom of 3 in Lexington, Kentucky.

© Copyright 2025 · StephenHenryTV

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook or Google in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. GOOGLE and GOOGLE ADS are trademarks of Google LLC.
Stephen Henry is an independent entity and is not affiliated with Facebook, Facebook Inc., Google, or Google LLC. We do not claim any endorsement, sponsorship, or approval by Facebook or Google.

Introduce yourself in a 15 second TV commercial.

Watch the 2-minute movie trailer


Introduce yourself in a 15 second TV commercial. Broadcast to local viewers. Your first 5,000 views are free.Add your name below.

Stephen Henry taking Chip and his Barbara Corcoran Endorsement to the Big Screen

Jess Offering Value in 1,000 Living Rooms per Day in Her Town

Lisa Nailing the Perfect Intro to 27,500 Local Households Every Month

Rene's Secret Weapon: Authentic Personality on the Fox News Channel


Stephen Henry partnered with Patti Gage, a local REALTOR® in Portland, to produce a 15-second YouTube TV commercial that reached nearly half a million viewers in the metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs. The campaign left a lasting impact on the city’s real estate market, establishing her as a recognizable and trusted presence within the community.


Introduce yourself in a 15 second TV commercial. Broadcast to local viewers. Your first 5,000 views are free.Add your name below.

We'll call you back

"More than 150 million Americans watch YouTube on TV each month."

- Neal Mohan, YouTube CEO


Check out a fun way local viewers can instantly call or text you from their couch after they see you on TV watching YouTube

Stephen Henry taking Chip and his Barbara Corcoran Endorsement to the Big Screen

Jess Offering Value in 1,000 Living Rooms per Day in Her Town

Lisa Nailing the Perfect Intro to 27,500 Local Households Every Month

Rene's Secret Weapon: Authentic Personality on the Fox News Channel


Stephen Henry partnered with Patti Gage, a local REALTOR® in Portland, to produce a 15-second YouTube TV commercial that reached nearly half a million viewers in the metropolitan area and surrounding suburbs. The campaign left a lasting impact on the city’s real estate market, establishing her as a recognizable and trusted presence within the community.

© Copyright 2025 · StephenHenryTV

This site is not part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook or Google in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc. GOOGLE and GOOGLE ADS are trademarks of Google LLC.
Stephen Henry is an independent entity and is not affiliated with Facebook, Facebook Inc., Google, or Google LLC. We do not claim any endorsement, sponsorship, or approval by Facebook or Google.